How to retreive our property which was willed to us by our father in law.
Sir my father in law freedom fighter left all anchestrol property to be taken care by his cousin. we have a anchestrol home in a dilapidated state. my father in law could not reconstruct due to paucity of funds. he is a historian writer, poet. he wanted us to rebuild the house and establish a library and small kids school and promote childrens literature by securing our ag lands which he didnt sell to anyone. unfortunately we were working on tranfers abroad and in other states during his death in 1994. the cousin died his son used to take care of property he also died. after my husband retired he wanted to construct and claim the property but unfortunately he was implicated in a scam in Insurance industry. he thought we can do it once he is free. with humiliation and ill health he passed away with luekamia and he entrusted me the works of his father to be published and build the home and claim our property from village. the anchestrol property is three generations back got to my father in law. we dont have the papers but a signed will is given to my husband by my father in law. the MRO and the VRO are not prepared to give us the details of our Kasra details. know when i wanted to build a compound wall the panchayat fellows suddenly laid a road in my housing plot. its our family propeerty. the village became a mandal know our housing site is in prime location and we have temple of our family inside our property. where should i report this.