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Bank job

My friend, who joined with State Bank of India as Probationary officer in Mar 2011 was terminated in Jun 2013 even after extending his probation in May 2013.The reason cited is he has not disclosed a pending case (Marriage related)against him. The case is settled in Jan 2013 in Lok Adalat.He has got a notice by SBI in Dec 2012 reg the case and Case is settled in Jan 2013. The details are submitted by him to Bank.Later, after extending probation, he is terminated. Probation is for a period of 2 years. After completion of 2 yrs probation period, Bank extended the probation citing a ground that the candidate has to improve the subject but not on the ground of the case. Later after extension of probation, within 1 month, service is terminated. The case is a false case Under Sec 417,420 Under sec 34 and also under sec 3,4 of Dowry prohibition act(resolved in Jan 2013 in Lok adalat) The case came to the notice of SBI while making enquiry about antecedents. The judgement is given by lok adalat is a compromise award is given between two parties and the case is closed. The termination notice contained details of the sections of the case. But, it didn't mention about the case in extension letter given in Apr 2013." " The Bank gave a show cause notice regarding the pending case on 10.12.2012 giving a deadline of 31.12.2012 to answer. My friend replied on 31.12.2012 to give one month time to submit proofs defending his version. Accordingly, he got the case resolved in Lok adalat on 29.01.2013 and submitted the proof and explanation on 07.02.2013. Later, on 02.04.2013, he was given an extention of probation letter indicating that his performance need to improve. No information relating to show cause and his explanations. Later after one month, on 03.05.2013, he was issued a termination order mentioning the show cause letter. No mention is given about the probation extention letter. Please kindly explain