Regarding sarfeasi act and favours for the borrowers
In 2012 my father took a cc loan from a private bank to run our family business. After two years, he passed away leaving my mother as the proprietor to run the business. Names of his 3 children were added to the property of which 1 is still a minor. Just like other businesses our business was too struck by demonetisation in 2016, the entire production was on halt for 3-4 months. In March 2017 the bank freezed our account and sent us a recall notice asking to pay the loan ASAP and close the account. Just after a month of this our business suffered a huge loss because of a storm in may 2017. Building, raw and processed stocks were affected. As we had a loan, the bank had the stocks insured. We made a claim to the insurance company. Lots of procedures were carried out by the insurance company in an irresponsible manner and despite furnishings all the document respective claim was not met. Meanwhile, bank sent us a NPA notice 13(2) in Nov.17. And took possession of the property in Feb18. Sent a caveat from DRT. Sent a notice 14(4) after some months. Soon after that we filled a case against the insurance company in consumer court and proceedings are being carried out. As of now the bank said they are looking to auction the property to collect their money though I haven't received any notice yet.
So my questions are:
a) Can a bank auction a property which includes a minor?
b) if they can what can we do to stop it?
c) what are the rules from RBI on reviving, restructuring of NPAs and OTS schemes?