Road to my home
In front of my house there is one small pubic road ,both ends of this road is connecting to two main roads.Actually i cannot use any 4 four wheeler or any heavy vehicle along that road.because it is very small congested road can only travel through two wheelers on it.But 2-3 times i tried to drive car though it,but so many scratches and other damages happens at all these times to my car.My all neighbours can access the big main public road directly with wide road,but we cannot.Nobody ready to give any little space from their plot to increase the width of this road.They are demanding a very huge amount for this elaboration of this public road.(Even though this is not a private road to my home,actually if they helps it will be also benefits to other publics to easily reach the main public road through car or other vehicles)they are saying long years back they already give little spaces to increase the width of this there any rule to get a better wide road ,or any fund can provided by the local panjayath to make a good road as per the law.