Property rights of Daughters born before HSA-1956 or Father died before HSA-1956
My Great GrandFather (hereon as GGF) had 3 wives.
1) The first wife passed away leaving behind an adopted Son (My GrandFather- hereon as GF).
2) The second wife passed away without any children/inheritence.
3) The third wife passed away leaving behind two daughters who were born before Hindu Succession Act
1956 came into force.
Death Of GGF. Fight started between 3 wives for property.
1st wife adopted My GF to inherit the property.
3rd Wife had 2-daughters already by then.
Third wife appealed to court for property share at the time of British rule (1945)
The court judgement was on behalf of my GF (Alligned the property to GF) and added a statement that
Rs.1200/Yr (Rs.6000/Yr later updated) to be provided for GGF's 3rd wife to lead life (Paid reciepts-
Now the two daughters of 3rd wife have appealed to the court for equal share on Family property
following the updation succession act as per HSA-2005 amendment.
My question is:
Since the GGF has already passed away before the HSA-1956, Do the daughters still have right to claim
on the Family property ???
As I am aware from following link, Supreme court says that they do not hold any rights to claim the
property since the father has died before HSA-1956 came into act.
Please clear my doubts.
Thank you.