Gifted property
I' d like to share the one case.
This case is related one of the family, member details below mentioned.
Members was (A) Husband and (B) Wife.
They had 2 son (C) (D) and 1 daughter. (E).
(C) have 2 daughters. (Elder son)
(E) have 2 Son. (Younger Son)
Currently this family have holding the ancestral property.
Now the case is, (C) elder son had bought some independent land in the name of own.
After death of (C) his mother (B) gifted there (C) Elder son independent property to (E) sons. (mean there grand-sons).
In gift deed, she mentioned that: -
At the time purchased this land my younger son(E) was minor, so this property bought in the name of Elder son (C).
now, I am gifting this property to grand-Sons. (both children of E).
Now I'd like to know: - Is it legal to can (B) gift their elder son property to their younger son.?
As per Indian Law, this kind of gift deed will be legal?
And (B) has given gifts to grandsons to their ancestral property. (In the same gift deed). The reason, because their granddaughters (C, daughters) could not claim this property.
Is it possible that a daughter-in-law can give land as gift only one grandson of his ancestral property.? Which is still in the name of his father-in-law.