Parking rules for housing society
Hello, my building is over 40 years old and the builder had not made too much provision of parking as that time vehicle was supposed to be a luxury than a need. so he had made provisions for very few vehicles. Our society has about 45 members and we have car parking 8 Cars. Currently all this 8 car parking spaces are being occupied the members. Out of this 8 car parking spaces, 2 members have 2 cars being parked. the rest 4 is being occupied 4 other members. Recently, one member purchased a new car and this has created parking issues in the society. The member says ask any one of the 2 members with 2 car parking to vacate one space for him. The member with 2 car parking says it was based on first and first basis so the member with new car need to adjust. Logically the member with new car is right. However i want to go as per bye laws and other governing rules in this case so that all members will be aware of the rules before they buy a car. so i want to know the following from you experts.
in our case number of car parking is less than the number of members.
1. what does the bye laws says for parking??
2. what if tomorrow more 4-5 members buy cars and want it to parked inside the society??
3. how much power does the society committee hold regarding parking charges, parking allotments, minimum time required to make provision of parking etc.
4. i have heard something called as annual lot system in such cases. How does it work, does it take place annually?? suppose we do a lot system on 15th July 2018 and on 20th October 2018 one member buys a car and asks for parking space, the society have to do lot system again or the member needs to wait until next year i.e. 15th July 2019.
5. can any member park 2 cars where there is already shortage of parking space??
6. also what are the rules for 2 wheelers
7. in the above situation mentioned what is the most appropriate action to be taken abiding bye laws and other rules??