Legitimacy of a residents' group in a developer-administered residential complex
I live in a new residential complex in Navi Mumbai, which is currently administered and maintained by the real estate developer itself. As it is a new place, few residents come together to form a sort of advocacy group (neither legal nor official status) wanting to represent ALL residents (only those residing, not all home-buyers in the project) on matters of common interest, such as amenities and facilities like medical & provision store, ATM, Doctor, etc. within the large complex. Can such a group have any legitimacy to even claim to be representatives of ALL residents ? Can another such group of residents also form a similar support-group to address various other interests of ALL residents ? The RED is unlikely to initiate formation of a regd CHS for another year or so, so residents feel they need some representation to make the RED provide better amenities as this is a very isolated residential complex, with pretty much nothing around except commercial spots like warehouses. Does any such ad hoc or arbitrarily formed group (as not all residents participate in these groups) have any legitimacy at all ?
Would appreciate a prompt response, as some residents also contemplate taking stronger (legal ?) action against the RED to get amenities necessary for day-to-day living in the complex. Thank you.