What should I do ?
We are a joint family. Apart from my husband and my two children, there are two brothers of my husband, their wives and children. Last year my husband died. Now assets of my husband are mine. But my elder brother-in-law, who have the authority to equally distribute all the assets among us, is denying to do it. We've included respected elders from our community as middlemen in this dispute to resolve the problem, but nothing seems to be working. Apart from filling case in the court against him, is there anything I can do ? Because I know that such cases keep going in the court for many many years, it's costly and my brother-in-law is expert in postponing court hearings. He is pure evil. But, if this is the only way, how long actually it takes court to come to a conclusion ? And the main question I want to ask is why isn't our government and law system taking any serious steps in order to resolve such issues as quickly as possible ? People are being killed every day over asset distribution and property disputes. I think one out of every three families is facing such problem. Why that one elder person in the family is able to deny the basic birth right to his younger siblings ? Is there any hope for this in the future or right now ?