Conveyance deed in favor of Apex body consisting of Land owners only
I have purchased a flat in a project in Pune consisting of 6 towers. The builder has proposed to form individual tower wise societies and also an apex body made up of original land owners only. In addition he has mentioned that the conveyance deed would be made in favor of the apex body.
My queries are:
1. Can builder form individual tower wise societies instead of 1 common society even when the flat owners have opposed this move for individual societies?
2. As per builder, the ''Apex body' would consist only the original landowners and not the individual this legal?
3. How should be the conveyance deed be executed by the builder?
a. To the Apex body consisting of only the original landowners?
b. To the Apex body consisting of the individual tower wise societies only?
c. To the Apex body consisting of landowners and individual societies?
We flat owners are pushing for option 'b' above for conveyance deed but the builder is adamant for option 'a'. Request your expert advise/guidance in this regard.