Property Lar for inherritance.
My mother's sister, one widow handicapped leaving no issue died recently leaving a good nos of property{Cash, jewellery, Fixed Deposits) etc under the custody of her elder brother for safe maintenance.But her elder brother sold jewellery, incurred cash for property purchase, for giving illegal money to some one for his sons employment, constructed two storied building within the short time.Her elder brother was an employee of jute mill and retired long ago,Gaining valuable property within short time is the only source of using his sister;s property.Her elder brother did not take any responsibity of her and did not care to arrange for proper treatment and her sister died.What action can be taken against him by thr surving sister of the deceased.There are so many witnesses who are well aware of the facts and circumstances and agreed to move for having justice and prosecution of her elder brother for cheating case.Please advice and I will be greatful..My Email Id is [deleted]