We have purchased new apartment in Mumbai and got it registered on 1 St June 2017 in a name of mother and daughter in law and possession likely during August end 2018 as OC likely to get around that time.
Presently apartment where we are staying, in name of mother and son , still under process of selling and not finalized with any buyer.
Question 1
As per taxation angle we were supposed to get reed off present apartment and should have got it registered with in one year from registration (above mentioned )date . please suggest if any option available to overcome present situation
Question 2
Our apartment being ownership when we had purchased from previous buyer and agreement weregot it Registered with appropriate stamp duty. While building belongs to land lord as we have become co owner under such situation we presume we are not required to have any permission to sell our apartment as at the time of purchase of apartment we did not approached landlord for any permission. Hope our understanding being correct and no permission required to get from landlord for selling our apartment.