Surviving members' certificate is required or not in our matter?
Dear Sir,
We are 4 brothers and 1 sister, have a property in Delhi for which agreement to sell was entered into recently. All of us have issued a relinquishment deed in favour of eldest brother, the property was of our father. While giving the RD, death certificates of father and mother were submitted along with all documents like PAN cards, Aadhar Card and residential proof.
Now the property dealer is insisting that we are required to furnish the Surviving Members' Certificate (SMC) also while executing the final sale deed. We are however of the opinion that since all family members have issued RD, there is no need of SMC. We feel the SMC is required to claim the property of the deceased which is not the case in this matter.
Kindly guide me, whether SMC is required or not.
My e-mail address is [deleted]
I will be grateful, if the answer is conveyed to me through mail
Subhash Chandra
I have to make little correction, RD was issued for all five of us based on will of our father (which was not registered) by the SDM and then, we all have issued a POA in favor of the eldest brother.
Now please clarify, if SMC is required?