Free maintenance by builder for what period, starting from what event?
1. Builder has not put-in writing, about period of maintenance by him, but made buyers to take possession.Maintenance charges to be borne by flat owners from date of possession, the developer claimed?
2. Even though the entire project was approved on 51 acres of land to be built in 4 Phases, soon after completion of Phase 1, the buyers were asked to get flats registered and take possession.
3. Amenities, Common areas are for flats in 4 phases (2 are yet to be built).
4. Association formed by developer calling a few persons among owners, released some amount for maintenance withholding balance amount from Advance Maintenance collected. No accounts provided.
5. 'NOC from Association' made a pre-condition by Developer for release of balance of Advance Maintenance.
6. Flats in Phase 1 made to bear Maintenance costs, even though Phase 2 flats were getting sold.
Amenities, common areas are same for all Phases flats.
Please clarify the position of Phase 1 flat owners, liability of developer, period of free maintenance etc. which helps Flat owners on their rights, claims, liabilities.