Public notice in newspaper and no claim of interest
I have purchased a property from Individual Assessee person. As per chain of agreement my seller has purchased a property from HUF. HUF has given Indemnity bond to bank from whom my seller has taken a loan( 10 Years back). Now when i purchased from my seller i approached bank for says that one public notice has to be given in news paper as any time HUF members / co-parceners can claim their rights.
My question arises when bank has already financed my seller previously and indemnity bond was produced to bank and even society has transferre the rights to my seller on share certificate then why my bank where I approached for loan says that i need to get the public notice to be issued in newspaper as 25 years has not been elapsed and HUF or his new born baby can claim rights.
My second question when transaction is in year 2007 and by as per law amendment of 2005 succession act, how come new born baby can claim. whether its valid point.
when all co-pareceners have signed Indemnity how come they can claim now.
Please advise your opnion on this