Dispute with co-applicant
Two years bank one of my friend took a home loan from a private bank and his wife was added as a co-applicant to the home loan. She is not a co-owner of the house and the Property was registered on my friends name. Though she is a co-applicant she didnt pay single rupee towards the loan amount or registration. An year later, my friend had a dispute with his wife and they started living separately. Recently he sold out the property to a party and applied for the original documents from the bank by repaying the outstanding amount. Somehow by knowing this, his wife has given a written statement to the bank manager saying "Dont Handover the documents to him (her husband) without informing her and without her presence". The bank manager called my friend over phone, and informed about the said incident and asked him to visit the branch. My friend explained the disputes between them to the manager and gave a written statement to the bank manager saying he is the person who paid the complete loan amount and he is entitle for collecting the original documents. Both these statements were sent for legal verification.
Being a co-applicant does she has any legal right to request the bank ? Who is entitled to get the original documents from the bank? If the bank rejects to handover he documents to my friend can he proceed legally ?