Guarantee forms for making advance payment (except bankguarantee)
Dear Sir,
We are basically a Multi super specialty Hospital from Kochin, Ernakulam, Kerala. The name of the Hospital is “Amrita Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre” we purchase various items in order to ensure a smooth functioning of day to day activities of our Hospital. There are goods worth lacs of rupees. Many of the items we procure is from outside Kerala as many of the items are not available within our state.
Now we would bring your kind attention to the real issue “ Many of our suppliers ask for 100% payment as advance and they are not willing to submit any guarantee like Advance Bank guarantee etc., Under the circumstances we would like to know is there any other option like taking Post Dated cheque for security / any other bonds like stamp paper deed etc., which we can use as tool to get our money bank (even if we take up the matter with the legal system) in the event that the client does not fulfill the terms of its contract?.
Awaiting for your guidance.
With thanks and regards,
Br Anil Kumar,
Amrita Institute of Medical Science & Research Centre,
Amrita lane, Ponekkara PO, Cochin – 682 024
[deleted] Fax.[deleted], 4008399, 6688399
E Mail ID - [deleted]
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