Builder issue
Our complex is still under builder and an ad-hoc committee comprising few owners has been formed for dealing issues related to the society. My husband is a member of this committee. Other than handling issues, tenant approval is also a part of ad-hoc committee profile.
Now the scene, there were few issues related to tenants where few tenants were not allowed due to fraud or mismatched documents and two days prior a broker comes with a tenant stating that the owner won't come and I would sign all related agreements and other details. Since my husband was available there he clarified that we need to meet owner before giving approval. Next day the owner, tenant and broker all arrive, where the tenant showed arrogance and made some egoistic comments. With my husband two more society members were available and one of them reacted to the arrogance with a rude remark for one builder senior employee.
Later my husband was called and questioned stating there are complaints against him for being rude and making that same comment. To which of course he denied also he don't name the other person. After going through my husband's side the builder felt things fishy and has arranged a face to face meet with the complainant. Also the lady employee against whom the remark was made was convinced that my dh is not at fault as she has dealt with him in past and knows his nature of handling matters.
Complaints are by sales team of builder via broker.
The builder side then arranged a face to face meeting this Saturday with the complainant to sort out as to why my dh has been named.
my question is
1. Do we go with ad-hoc committee members for the meet. ( I feel at least some good 2 members should accompany). If required we can call other brokers who have dealt with my husband in past.
2. It is a clear false allegation and my husband's name is being framed. Probably for some monetary benefits to the sales team from the broker. ( it's our assumption otherwise why will a sales team come into picture for tenant approvals once they sold the flat to owner). With this in view should we lodge an NC in nearby police station against the builder as we do not know what could happen in the Saturday meet.
3. Since this is a false allegation and is giving us mental trauma plus defaming us, should we ask for an formal apology letter from builder.
4. if point 3 not approved can we file a case.
Thanks in advance, sorry for a long post since this is not going off my mind and I am building up stress and anger.