Ancestral property demarcation
Suppose a father has 100 sqfeet property, AFTER his death, his two sons divided the property(brother A )55 sqfeet and (brother B) 45 sqfeet . but THEY demarcated the property with extra some point like--
1)east side is for A and west is for B
2****)from mango tree to coconut tree for A and coconut tree to neem tree for B. (THIS IS the FRONT DEMARKATION of that property )
after 70 years. "A" sell the property to some third party. he (THE third party) cut those trees and build a boundary, without following " 2 "*** point. now b file a case against the third party for property demarcation.
how the court will demarcate the property without those trees .?
{[extra :
brother A has extra land but the front is short from brother B , who has less land but the extra front.
no extra measurements have written just 2*** points for front demarcation.
two brother has no boundary.
when the third party is cutting those trees and building the boundary, the court has already issued 144 on the land. he did those things over 144. I have video footage.