Please advise on what are my legal options
Greetings Advocates!!
I needed your advise on the below matter before I can go forward to consulting you for the same.
My father is a raging alcoholic and he has always abused my mother mentally, physically and economically. This has been going on since I was a child approx. 25 years. Now that I have come of age and have provided my mother with mental support, the father has started to abuse me along with my mother. Though he used to mentally harass me when I was a child, now he has started to physically assault me and also has threatened to kill me. I have a strong proof for the same.
I have one more question.
My late Grandfather had gifted my father half of the property through a gift deed but has failed to name an heir for the other half.
Please advise me of what are my legal options both in terms of criminal charges that I can file and financial claims that I or my Mother can make.
Also my father has threatened to file a false criminal charge on me that I have threatened to kill him without any proof.
Also provide me with your contact details so that I can get in touch.