Builder did not give OC for property located in Gram panchayat of Marunji Pune
Builder has given possession to owners in our society and society formation is also done more than 4 years ago, but Completion certificate is still missing and society body keeps on spending money uselessly without any proper follow up from either builder or any other legal body.
Society body has send legal notices to builder but never followed up so money was wasted earlier and body is again planning to repeat the same.
Please let us know if we can directly connect with a legal body to start the process of getting the OC on our own.
1. Which legal body should we connect to for our OC as our society is in Gram Panchayat ?
2. Can we talk to the same body for individual OCs as individual flat owners ?
3. Can we file case with Maharera and if yes then how ?
4. What should be the step by step guide for the whole process ?
5. Should we raise the issue with consumer forum as well simultaneously as society body is just after money and will pass time or ask for more money to go after builder and filing new legals rather than following up on old ones.