Wrongfully benched for long period and terminated

I worked in a supervisory role with a large IT MNC. I was wrongfully benched over long period and then terminated Despite my unflinching work commitment, integrity, capabilities and appreciations, I was wrongfully benched over long period and then terminated on unfounded grounds by the very leadership who themselves were found by the Organization to have indulged in massive frauds to the tune close to 100 crore and indulged in corrupt practices. As I proved to not fit into the corrupt nexus of my seniors and after long period of being benched wherein all my requests for re-assignment were not responded to, I was coerced to resign and threatened with ruined career if I did not comply. I approached Labour office. Despite warning to Employer, I was terminated around mid of last year with career destroying reasons. I have approached the labour court. It is known within the ex-Org and in public forum that my seniors were found to have carried out a number of scams. The Organization - a large MNC to save face simply asked them to leave and initiated no criminal proceedings against them. Scores of employees suffered owing to very corrupt group. I lost job and am not getting any owing to bad termination letter I received. Question - How to present documents (e.g. claims format) in honorable labour court 2. When can I approach Supreme Court?