Increament with held forever and last two increment is reverted.

I am an employee of an engineering college have been working as an asst. prof and exam officer as well since 2012. Our Principal kept the magt. in dark regarding the true strength of the students in the college. in 2016, When a mgt. representative asked me for the list of overall enrolled students i have given him faithfully. This act of mine was became problem for him. he then started harassing me regarding my work and given me a memo to which i have replied sincerely then showed his unsatisfaction to my reply and further point our some minor mistakes and witheld my increment for ever. Later with in same period he provoked two girls students to put some allegation on me. and an enquiry committee was setup to look in to the matter and the enquiry committee member did according his will and charged me of guilty as their final judgement and reverted my last two increment. now i would like to inform you that we are not get our full salary they bargain us in the salary. They paid as full salary in our account but we have to refund them the extra amount. when due to some reason we could not refund or extra amount then they even stop our salary.... The increment amount is also adjusted in our refund only.... for example our actual salary is 20000 and they paid 33000 in our account then we have to refund 13000 every month in cash. let we got 1000 increment in a year the we have to refund 12000. Please guide me in this regard.