
A Registered Sale deed 7564 has registered in 1952 , total no. of plots are 23. Each Plot and its area is mentioned particularly. Total Area is 12.46 Acre. In khatiyani raiyat according to CS survey it had two right holder equally. So its divided 6.73 Acre to both. Now when , one of the second right holder Fukkumari sold her complete share through above mentioned sale deed to Ram Prasad and Shyam Prasad , but in this deed the sold area is mentioned HALF 73 decimal in place of 6.73 Acre ( in digit) and seventy three decimal ( in word) . Now it is also mentioned in word on same deed that I fulkumari sold my complete property which was my own share. Second thing, A title (P) suit is filed on 1968 , and on that Judgement it is declared that 6.73 Acre is purchased out of 12.46 Acre. Suit was under compromise decree. And the party were that two person which had got the land from Fulkumari. On the basis of that two sale deed also made in 1981 and 1975, where the link is mentioned their that from where it comes ( From Fulkumari Sale Deed) . In this both deed area is clearly mentioned 6.73 Acre and sold this property to my son and some one else. Mutation is also already done and the person who got the land from Fulkumari they also pay the revenue to state government continuously since 40 years. All possession is also under the Ram Prasad and Shyam Prasad till now. During Fulkumari’s entire life she never challenged or never said that she did sale only 73 decimal land. Even once she sold the land to Ram Prasad and Shyam she never sold this land to someone else. In fulkumari descendant only Ram Prasad and Shyam Prasad living now . Fukkumari has no any male or female issue, in her Descendant only Ram and Shyam are there. I would like to ask had the transfer of sale deed 7564 in dated 1952 was valid ? If court has confirmed the Area, then it will be stood valid? In inheritance or Descendant Act Ram and Shyam Prasad is logically has rights to get the land of Fulkumari ?