Whether noc is required for application or for attending interview

WANT TO APPLY FOR A JOB (SCIENTIST) FROM ONE CENTRAL GOVT. AUTONOMOUS ORGANISATION TO ANOTHER CENTRAL GOVT. AUTONOMOUS ORGANISATION (Both are CSIR labs). In the advertisement it is mentioned that one should apply through proper channnel but in the application form there is no option for uploading NOC in online application form. Whether noc is required during application or for attending interview ? Should I forward my application without NOC as per the columns in form or apply for NOC first but NOC is only required by other institute only at the time of interview not for filling the application. If i want to apply, do i need to intimate my host organisation or whether i should ask for NOC first and produce it if shortlisted for interview. What could be the consequences if i fill the application without any intimation to host institute. Will there be any misconduct charges against me for just forwarding application without intimation to them but if called for interview will not attend without NOC.