Benami transaction
Sir, i am at abroad at 1980 at that time i send money to my father, in name of my mother, because my mother have there account in bank, i just sended draft, at that time my father write letters to me and send it to abroad and tell me about purchase of property, he always write that such property is purchased by you only and money you sended and no one have right to take it, he write me 18 letters and in all he writes that property is purchased by my money which i sended it from abroad as Draft, my father purchase property in my mothers name, and the main point is that this transcation may take place in 1980, before benami law is legal, i have all the letters with me, as well as draft of 1400 us dollor, which i sended to my father. the point is money is withdrawn to my mothers name, the current owner of land, i have that draft also, and my father is clearly written in letter that \'the draft you send of 1400 us dollor from that i just purcahsed that property, but for there is some problem to transfer in your name. thats why i transfer it to your mother\'s name. My father wrote me that when ever you came to india ill re transfer the title on your name.. After i came to india i tell him to re title of property to my name. but he rufuse , after that i sued on my mother and father, i also have two real brothers who have possession on my same land and my parents also have possession, i have one question. I SUED A MATTER FOR RECOVERY OF TITLE NOT FOR POSSESSION, BECAUSE LAND PRICE IS TOO HIGH AND ITS NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO SUBMIT 10% OF WHOLE AMOUNT OF LAND COST IN THE COURT, ITS POSSIBLE TO GET POSSESSION AFTER WINNING CASE? IS ADVERSE POSSESSION ISSUE IS THERE AFTER WINING CASE? NOTE MY BROTHERS, MOTHER AND FATHER HAVE POSSESSION ON SUCH LAND FROM MOTHER THAN 30 YEARS.