If opponents approach to higher court, does the decision of lower court need to be kept on hold?
I have a property in grandfather's name, for some time, it was under his possession after purchase, but as his age increased, it was recaptured by families of person from whom it was purchased. In 60s small lands were not sold on stamp paper documents, and legal papers were made in 'kaithi' language, which we have varied too, we have. On its basis we won the case in DCLR Court. Opponents is only having a paper of SURVY Entry 75(entry is of 5 dhur n land being occupied is 10 shut) , SURVY Entry was also announced invalid in DCLR Decision. Opposing to which opponents approached COMMISSIONERY COURT, but due to absence of documents required(written on dismissing documents), case was dismissed. Now opponents have approached BLT High court, n no decision have came yet, and last decision of DCLR has not been implemented yet even after many reminders to CO.
I Wish to know, is it so that if the opponents have approached higher court, last decision can not be implemented until the next decision?
Can the extra area occupied by opponents other to survey entry of 5 dhir I.e. rest 5 dhur of 10 dhur, can be cleared by CO Only or by SHO too?
Can a writ petition be filled in view of non compliance of previous order and repeated reminders to CO?
Please help