Company ownership legal opinion

Hi all, can my brother(Z) be claimed to be binamee of mine(X) by my partner(Y) .Z is brother of X and freind of Y.x and y are directors and z helped both and Z is govt employee .company set up by x and y with the help of Z .X and Y are only two directors .z's name not registered in any record but closely helped to develop the company .now after working for 3 years as he has seen profits and he is managing ,Y is telling Z is binamee of X so x is not director and blackmailing Z that he is govt employee so not interfere .One way he(Y) is telling the director (X) as binamee of Z so X is out and other way as z is govt employee he is nothing to do with the company so Z is out and thus want to become the proprietor of the company .How can this be dealt .Is Y's allegations are valid ?With the knowledge of Y only x is director for three years but now y is telling that x is binamee of Z.Y and Z are good friends and y is trying to cheating z by saying I will complain about z's interference in company .in fact Y is given share of 50% with out any investment to develop the company and x is having 50% share with complete solo investment .Z will technically sound so he helped company developed and now y is trying to cheat both X and Y with different suggest what can be done to stop his cheating I didn't find the right solution from the internet. References:,8134.0.html [url=]advertisement examples[/url]