How to defuse pemanent injuction
After bearing all the harassment, force resignations, transfers etc., We formed a union in our MNC to safe guard our interests. Since our salary was ranging between 8500 to 25000 and the Management was drawing salary more than President, Prime Ministers of India that too in Hubli, Karnataka, we demanded officially some basic needs like hike in basic, shift allowance, yearly increment, leaves as per law etc. The management did not response even after reminders, after couple of months, we informed the management in written that we will go for silent batch display on our shoulders with slogan "fulfill our demands" if they did response with 15 days. There was no response from the management and we started displaying the batches on our shoulders on the said date. Immediately the management bought Permanent Injection from the court and now it is in the court since Dec 2016. How can we defuse the same immediately.
Shridhar, Hubli, [deleted].
Case no: O.S. Reg No. 739/2016, Filing No. 741/2016, CNR no. KADW[deleted].