Mutation done of unpartitioned land of the share sold to me
There was an unpartitioned land of 1 co sharers out of which 1 person sold be a portion of it. Later land was acquired & remained acquired for 12 yrs. Meanwhile this person died & basis his will I became the owner of the land. Also his wife got the same land mutated in favour of herself & her kids(legal heirs of seller) while completely ignoring this transaction to which she was active participant otherwise & in documents also. Later after 12 yrs Hon'ble Supreme Court quashed the acquisition
Now I have below questions
1. Can land revenue officer i.e. patwari do mutation of land while it was very much acquired & under notional ownership of LAO(Lan Acquisition officer).
2. Since registry was not done at that time & now long time has elapsed what remedy do I have in the case.(It has been almost 4 yrs since acquisition has been quashed but only recently I came to know about ill intentions of her legal heirs trying to sell my portion of land for which I have been owner in possession since more than past 17 yrs.