Stamp duty valution for cancallation of sale deed
TypeRespected Sir/Madam,
I would like to complain that my uncle(mamaji) has created fraudulently the release deed (Hakka sod-patra) & misinterpreted that he is doing a joint venture with builder of our land. He told that we will get the total amount of 50% of the deal when it will be completed. Now we are filling a case against him for cheating us. He has already sold the property very cunningly with giving only 6% amount through cross cheuqe .But he did not tell us that he has completed the deal. Only the 3% is now passed through our bank. When we tracked the same we came to know from land record office that he sold all the property without conveying us about it. we are shocked as he lied and has done this deal by hiding it from us. So, we seek justice according to law because he had done cheating deliberately. kindly guide & help us through giving us justice. Please HELP us through Mahila ayog because my mother is illiterate & she get cheated from her greedy brother.
Q1) Can we send notice to builder also?
Q2) Can we required pay stamp duty to court if we filing a case for cancelling sale deed which is happen between uncle(mamaji) & builder? If it is need to pay stamp duty how much in Maharshtra?