Nominee Vs Legal heir and bank surety

When one has CASE ONE 1. "Probate of WILL" order obtained from court after 3 years, including publication of notice in newspapers for "four bank deposits" only, no fixed assets involved. 2.Probate orders, clearly, to pay deceased's bank deposits to the person named in the will . 3. Three banks have accepted the claim without asking for surety, saying that probate court order overrules surety clause. 4. One bank is insisting for surety even with probate. Although, The legal adviser to bank has given his opinion that no surety is needed in probate order, telling branch manager that court orders relive him of any responsibility. 5. But branch manager is insisting on surety "to be on safe side" 6. Please give your opinion. CASE TWO 7. In another Post Office savings account the nominee is mentioned but no address given and he is not known/traceable/shown-up even after five years. Probate order mentions that account no. and amount clearly, in favor of person named in will . How to claim. 8. Again in this case their legal adviser says that nominee is custodian not owner and legal heir mentioned in probate has claim. The authorities not deciding and keeping it pending saying this is a new case for them. 9. Please give your opinion what to do next.