Mortgage registration
Hi i have given some money to a person and in return that person has done mortgage registration on his property and in the deed we didn't mention any time limit.
and now that person is saying he will give the land to me which he had mortgage registered to me in return to my money.
and now the problem is that person has taken money from so many people and he refused to give back the money,so in return those people have put up a case against him claiming ,that person has so many properties but refusing to give back the money. in that properties list they have also claimed the land which has mortgage registered to me, but this mortgage registration has done before those people has put up a case against the person to whom i have given money.
so now will there be any problem if i take that property which he has done mortgage registration in return to my money, anyways he is refusing to give back my money and he is only offering the mortgage registered land to register on my name?
thank u.