Medical negligence

SIR, My father (previously survived a heart attack and COPD patient, and very poor physique almost bedridden) was suffering from lung infection and after two weeks of treatment at home my home physician told that his condition is very poor and he may admitting to a hospital would be preferable. Then we admitted him to a nearby nursing home. At nursing home he survived 4days (3 days in ventilation) and as a lay man in medical field the following observation was made. 1. no culture report was prepared for lung infection at the time of death. However antibiotics were given.(we on that situation shouted on hospital staffs for this issue). 2. According to nursing home eco cardio report his heart was functioning ok.(he had ejection fraction of 60%.).However he had a heart attack last year and according to that hospital ( R.N.TAGORE,KOLKATA) his heart was seriously effected.(E.F was 42% ,no surgery conducted that time... Only medicine were running) 3. The patient was reported to have low albumin in the nursing home,however due to heart problem doctor didn't gave albumin for three days and said providing albumin may lead to heart failure,however on the final hours (after we shouted on the culture report issue)he decided to give albumin.Though the patient had heavy swelling in left hand and legs. My father was not responding on that day from evening and his respiration graph flattened. At about 12:30 am he was given albumin and at 2:30am he was reported to have cardiac arrest after taking another heart attack at 2:15am. I have visited that doctor along with other doctors and visited a few lawyers also but didn't find a clean way. My question is ... Is our view regarding culture report is correct.? Is administering albumin is justified? Is there is any medical body who can analyse my reports and tell the truth? If I go for a consumer case... Can the doctor lodge another case against us for loss of reputation etc.