Saudi employer Take Guarantor Signature to send back employee

I would just like to bring you attention over here, Saudi employer has forced my brother to return back the case which he has filed against them in Labour court Saudi due to not provding the job as per contract, since my father condition was not well and he wanted to come back to india on emergency leave so he decided to take back the case. But when he took the case back they made a condition that if he wanted to go than he needs to brought a Indian Guarantor and if he will not return back to Saudi and doesn’t report to work (which is not as per contract) than they will take 25000 SAR from guarantor Since my brother come back to india on Guarantee of one of our close friend and if he will not report to work within 30 days than they will demand 25000 SAR from guarantor. Attached is the letter which they have signed off, due to such clause my brother has no option and he has to go to release guarantor but he doesn’t want to go as the situation is very bad there. I humbly request you to please help as he doesn’t want to go because of all this and they will not provide the job as per contract, kindly provide some way to get rid off this situation.