Ashish DavessarRelated to fir
can police itself lodge a fir suo motu, if yes then what is the procedure and for that where the provision mentioned ?
Answered by Ashish Davessar 11 years ago
Ashish DavessarTenant not vacating the house
I have my own house. I had given the first floor on rent to two tenants for one year. At that time no written agreement was done between us and everything was all right till six...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffRegistered will and un registered will
Dear sir, My uncle died on oct.2013. He was 76 and suffering from throat cancer from last 8 years.02 year back he made a registerd will with tehsildar in which he declared his...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffTemporary injunction on property
Through a temporary injunction can i stop the city municipality from digging the drain which constructed in front of my house and the drain which dose not have any end
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffLiv/licence agreement
can i pay the stampduty/registration in mumbai,whereas the property belongs to vasai west ,thane district.?
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffDispute Land
Sir/Mam, I am Bhanu Garg from a small village of Bihar Dist. Aurangabad. We are basically farmers and own a large land. This land belong to us from the age of father of my...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffDivorce
I have been married for 1 year, but me & my husband are not in good terms & we are planning to get divorced, we have not registered our marriage legally, so i would like to know...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffDivorce process suggestions
I am a working women and having almost same sallary as f my husband. I have decided to go for divorce. I can convence my husband to go for mutual divorce aggrement but beside...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffSuccession certificate
My mother has expired without making any nomination for her shares which are of approximate value of Are. 125000/=. The DP wants me to give a Succession certificate or Letter of...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffConvert land from agricultural to non-agricultural
I had leased a property to an Oil Company in response to an advertisement in a news paper asking for land to set up a petrol pump for 30 years with an option of a renewal of...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffTenant not vacating the house
I have my own house. I had given the first floor on rent to two tenants for one year. At that time no written agreement was done between us and everything was all right till six...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffDivorce
I am an unhappy married guy with no kids. Please tell me how can I get divorce.
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffChange of Name
Sir I have changed my name from rooma to rooma bhatti and the same was requested to education board to update in its record as there is provision for it with an application form...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffWill
Sir, what is legal procedure and requirements for making a will?
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffChange of Name
Sir I want to add my surname in my name. does it come under change of name? Plz clear the concept of change of name and correction in name as per law and give information about...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffConstruction of commercial property on residential land
My father made one property on residential land he made one market complex in it,and after some time before opening of the market it get sealed by ADA, so how it get...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffDon't have original copies of property documents
My husband had a business of sanitation.he was a sole proprietor of the business.he expired on 5 th dec13due to illness. All his original documents are with my inlaws who are...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago
Prabhat ShroffShop rent to be vacated
Respected Sir, My Name is Chinnaiah aged about 68 years. I have a small house and two shops within that. I have given two shops to one person, he said that he will vacate within...
Answered by Prabhat Shroff 11 years ago