Ajay SethiShare of property to first wife's children
I am a muslim and I am from Bangalore. My (late) father-in-law had property which was nominated to my mother-in-law, actually she is second wife. First wife became mentally...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiCheck blocked
Sir I did trade online and invested in it by neft, for return they sended me cheack of hdfc bank and rs 100 stamp of aggrement to pay every month but they clear 1st month then...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiWant to verify if a relationship is under degree of prohibition
Dear sir/madam, I am a boy and i am in deep love with a girl who is my mother mothers brother's daughter and we are of same gotra bt.the point is our cast is rarest of cast and...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiApplied for divorce and need to take child custody
Hi Sir/ Madam. I Manjunathan M working in private company. me and my wife is living separately for 11 montsh we have 2 childrens one is girl baby age 2 years and another is boy...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Setu NiketClause 156
Sir, I.O. is misguiding on status report regarding FIR in section 420,120 etc and court dissmissed the plea on that report.What remedies are there to fix responsiblity of I.O....
Answered by Setu Niket 10 years ago
Setu NiketDo i have a chance of claim in my Grandfather's property?
Namaste sir, my father has been fighting a case in Andhra Pradesh court with his brother`s daughters and their respective husbands for share in joint property which was never...
Answered by Setu Niket 10 years ago
Setu NiketInheritance-property transfer procedure and rules
Sir, My grand father having 2 acres land on his name, as he died in recent years(3). For my grand Fathers 2 Sons, one is my father, who passed away 8 years back. And my uncle is...
Answered by Setu Niket 10 years ago
Ajay SethiDo i have a chance of claim in my Grandfather's property?
Namaste sir, my father has been fighting a case in Andhra Pradesh court with his brother`s daughters and their respective husbands for share in joint property which was never...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiApplied for divorce and need to take child custody
Hi Sir/ Madam. I Manjunathan M working in private company. me and my wife is living separately for 11 montsh we have 2 childrens one is girl baby age 2 years and another is boy...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Anil KumarDivorce
Sir i have been married according to hindu culture three years ago and i have a one and half year child we have a lot of differnces and understanding i want to get divorce so...
Answered by Anil Kumar 10 years ago
Anil KumarDo i have a chance of claim in my Grandfather's property?
Namaste sir, my father has been fighting a case in Andhra Pradesh court with his brother`s daughters and their respective husbands for share in joint property which was never...
Answered by Anil Kumar 10 years ago
Anil KumarApplied for divorce and need to take child custody
Hi Sir/ Madam. I Manjunathan M working in private company. me and my wife is living separately for 11 montsh we have 2 childrens one is girl baby age 2 years and another is boy...
Answered by Anil Kumar 10 years ago
Ajay SethiApplied for divorce and need to take child custody
Hi Sir/ Madam. I Manjunathan M working in private company. me and my wife is living separately for 11 montsh we have 2 childrens one is girl baby age 2 years and another is boy...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
H. S. ThukralGift deed
Hello Sir/Mam, There is one Flat which was gifted to me in may 2010 by my husband's grandfather in which my in-laws are staying and they are not ready to vacate the flat..I have...
Answered by H. S. Thukral 10 years ago
Ajay SethiInheritance-property transfer procedure and rules
Sir, My grand father having 2 acres land on his name, as he died in recent years(3). For my grand Fathers 2 Sons, one is my father, who passed away 8 years back. And my uncle is...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiApplied for divorce and need to take child custody
Hi Sir/ Madam. I Manjunathan M working in private company. me and my wife is living separately for 11 montsh we have 2 childrens one is girl baby age 2 years and another is boy...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiCorporate law
I had been working for a company which did business in medical communication. The customers are pharma companies. Recently I have quit this company and I am planning to start my...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiDivorce
Sir i have been married according to hindu culture three years ago and i have a one and half year child we have a lot of differnces and understanding i want to get divorce so...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago