Ajay SethiIs it legal to start online Pool game (Snooker/Billiards)
Hi i am from Chennai, India Is it legal to start a Online Pool game(Snooker/Billiards) for cash prizes. Like say for example 2 players play the game of billiards online with an...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiPGT computer science appointment in Himachal Pradesh
I have qualified PGT IP exam (organised by HPSSSB Hamipur). advertisement Dated on Dec 13, 2011, written exam sheduled on Aug 5, 2012 and written exam's result is announced on...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Ajay SethiSecurity deposit withheld by landlord over damages
Hi, My landlord initially had 3 Lakhs as security deposit money, and we rented a fully furnished flat in Bangalore. The main couch in the house, got a minor burn, due to smoking...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 10 years ago
Avdhesh ChaudharyLiability towards a third party
I had agreed to sell a plot and took bayana from a person, however the deal could not go through and i returned the bayana amount. i have both the receipts, however a third...
Answered by Avdhesh Chaudhary 10 years ago
Avdhesh ChaudharyOrder / judgement
today my case which was a criminal complaint was on order/judgement jugde framed charges against accused jugde told us that they have commited forgery by making a false document...
Answered by Avdhesh Chaudhary 10 years ago
Avdhesh ChaudharyMental harassment
I and my husband are having some trouble in our marriage, which is getting closer to divorce.We are staying separately. I wanted a reconciliation , but he and his family are...
Answered by Avdhesh Chaudhary 10 years ago
Avdhesh ChaudharyCan I adopt girl child of my wife from her previous marriage
In November 2005 I married a woman who was granted exparte divorce and was having a 3 year old girl child from her last marriage. The biological father of the child has never...
Answered by Avdhesh Chaudhary 10 years ago
Rajeev BariWidow (1933) property right India
Kailash singh had two sons, Rakshya singh and maharaj singh.Rakshya singh had one son kailash singh and Maharaj singh had one son paras singh.Kailash singh had no son and...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarWidow (1933) property right India
Kailash singh had two sons, Rakshya singh and maharaj singh.Rakshya singh had one son kailash singh and Maharaj singh had one son paras singh.Kailash singh had no son and...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago
Rajeev BariPowers of magistrate to restore criminal case
Judicial Magistrate passes an order for stoppage of proceedings under section 258 of crpc, while observing that since last 10 years prosecution failed to secure presence of...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariCopyright for a CD
I have shooted for CD for an NGO. We want to get its copyright and earn something for NGO. How do we proceed.
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariForefathers' agriculture land
Can a person claim agriculture land of his forefathers, which sold by his father.
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Rajeev BariWidow (1933) property right India
Kailash singh had two sons, Rakshya singh and maharaj singh.Rakshya singh had one son kailash singh and Maharaj singh had one son paras singh.Kailash singh had no son and...
Answered by Rajeev Bari 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarForefathers' agriculture land
Can a person claim agriculture land of his forefathers, which sold by his father.
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago
Girish H.T.Vacating a Residence
our family lives in a house for the past 10 years. This was bought after my marriage. The property was in the name of my mother and me. We have mortgaged this against our...
Answered by Girish H.T. 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarCan we get back property
Dear Sir My father sold his some agriculture land to person on GPA in Sep. 2013 & not disclosed to us. Now we came to know the sale of land which was sold in Rs. 10 Lacs. in...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarECR stamp on passport
My passport has come with a ECR stamp when I applied for it 7 years ago. I'm married to a US Citizen and my immigrant visa is approved. Do I need to get a delete stamp in order...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago
Ashish DavessarFradulent aquiring of land property by relatives
I had purchased a ready built house in East Champaran in Bihar in the year 2007. Subsequently after purchase of the above House, my own elder sister requested me to allow them...
Answered by Ashish Davessar 10 years ago