Prashant NayakNRI but still an India citizen wants to purchase agricultural land in India on parent's name
Hi All, I want to purchase agricultural land in Maharashtra, India. I am an Indian citizen since birth but presently working in Singapore. I pay all the taxes in Singapore, but...
Answered by Prashant Nayak 3 years ago
Prashant NayakUrgent clarification needed regarding DDA floor wise conveyance deed
I am talking about the floors on a DDA plot .Separate conveyance deed for ground floor and first floor have been executed. Now I want to talk about Second floor. As DDA has...
Answered by Prashant Nayak 3 years ago
Prashant NayakNuisance creating by original owner
Developer formed a layout in 2001 with plot size 30x40 sq.ft in a small piece of land, around 15 plots were formed. 30 ft is the length and 40ft is width. That is total layout...
Answered by Prashant Nayak 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanNuisance creating by original owner
Developer formed a layout in 2001 with plot size 30x40 sq.ft in a small piece of land, around 15 plots were formed. 30 ft is the length and 40ft is width. That is total layout...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanUrgent clarification needed regarding DDA floor wise conveyance deed
I am talking about the floors on a DDA plot .Separate conveyance deed for ground floor and first floor have been executed. Now I want to talk about Second floor. As DDA has...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
Ajay SethiUrgent clarification needed regarding DDA floor wise conveyance deed
I am talking about the floors on a DDA plot .Separate conveyance deed for ground floor and first floor have been executed. Now I want to talk about Second floor. As DDA has...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
Ajay N SNRI but still an India citizen wants to purchase agricultural land in India on parent's name
Hi All, I want to purchase agricultural land in Maharashtra, India. I am an Indian citizen since birth but presently working in Singapore. I pay all the taxes in Singapore, but...
Answered by Ajay N S 3 years ago
Ajay SethiNuisance creating by original owner
Developer formed a layout in 2001 with plot size 30x40 sq.ft in a small piece of land, around 15 plots were formed. 30 ft is the length and 40ft is width. That is total layout...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanUrgent clarification needed regarding DDA floor wise conveyance deed
I am talking about the floors on a DDA plot .Separate conveyance deed for ground floor and first floor have been executed. Now I want to talk about Second floor. As DDA has...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanNRI but still an India citizen wants to purchase agricultural land in India on parent's name
Hi All, I want to purchase agricultural land in Maharashtra, India. I am an Indian citizen since birth but presently working in Singapore. I pay all the taxes in Singapore, but...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanNRI but still an India citizen wants to purchase agricultural land in India on parent's name
Hi All, I want to purchase agricultural land in Maharashtra, India. I am an Indian citizen since birth but presently working in Singapore. I pay all the taxes in Singapore, but...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanBest tax effective way to transfer share on a will
This question was kept private
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanDoes minor children should be take as consent witness in sale deed
Dear sir i planing to buy a property from persons which are joint owners is (MOTHER AND 2 SONS )vendors got allotment through bangalore development authority (bda) first they...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanDoes minor children should be take as consent witness in sale deed
Dear sir i planing to buy a property from persons which are joint owners is (MOTHER AND 2 SONS )vendors got allotment through bangalore development authority (bda) first they...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
Ajay SethiNRI but still an India citizen wants to purchase agricultural land in India on parent's name
Hi All, I want to purchase agricultural land in Maharashtra, India. I am an Indian citizen since birth but presently working in Singapore. I pay all the taxes in Singapore, but...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
Ajay SethiUrgent clarification needed regarding DDA floor wise conveyance deed
I am talking about the floors on a DDA plot .Separate conveyance deed for ground floor and first floor have been executed. Now I want to talk about Second floor. As DDA has...
Answered by Ajay Sethi 3 years ago
T KalaiselvanAncestral property grab by a few descendants
My grandfather from my mother's side left a sizeable farmland property in rural Karnataka. He had many children all of whom are deceased. The children of the male descendants...
Answered by T Kalaiselvan 3 years ago
Ravi ShindeUrgent clarification needed regarding DDA floor wise conveyance deed
I am talking about the floors on a DDA plot .Separate conveyance deed for ground floor and first floor have been executed. Now I want to talk about Second floor. As DDA has...
Answered by Ravi Shinde 3 years ago