Krishna Kishore GangulySalary not paid
I have switched my job. My last job balance salary has not been paid. It has been exactly one month I have been relieved from my previous job ie 14th april was relieving date....
Answered by Krishna Kishore Ganguly 10 years ago
Krishna Kishore GangulyCompensation for teachers and servants
Greetings to Team Kaanoon, We had a small school in Bangalore, which we have shutdown this academic year due to less number of students and financial issues. Now comes the time...
Answered by Krishna Kishore Ganguly 10 years ago
Krishna Kishore Gangulyseniority
Im in a private bank following the r r of the state of maipur government. We were regularised on 1st February 2014 but are yet to be confirmed after 1 yr. My bank has made a...
Answered by Krishna Kishore Ganguly 10 years ago
Shashidhar S. SastryCompensation for teachers and servants
Greetings to Team Kaanoon, We had a small school in Bangalore, which we have shutdown this academic year due to less number of students and financial issues. Now comes the time...
Answered by Shashidhar S. Sastry 10 years ago
Shashidhar S. SastryCompensation for teachers and servants
Greetings to Team Kaanoon, We had a small school in Bangalore, which we have shutdown this academic year due to less number of students and financial issues. Now comes the time...
Answered by Shashidhar S. Sastry 10 years ago
Krishna Kishore GangulyFull and final settlement
I had worked for a period of 5 year 1 month in a listed company in Gurgaon location. date of my resignation was 24th April 2013. As F & F, my 4 month's salary, gratuity and...
Answered by Krishna Kishore Ganguly 10 years ago
Krishna Kishore GangulyRequest for complete legal phenomena
my sis is working for i gate software solution for 2 months recently from apy 2014 and now her husband got h1-b visa and my sis want to break bond to leave to usa. so they have...
Answered by Krishna Kishore Ganguly 10 years ago
S.P. Srivastavaseniority
Im in a private bank following the r r of the state of maipur government. We were regularised on 1st February 2014 but are yet to be confirmed after 1 yr. My bank has made a...
Answered by S.P. Srivastava 10 years ago
Rajni Sinhaseniority
Im in a private bank following the r r of the state of maipur government. We were regularised on 1st February 2014 but are yet to be confirmed after 1 yr. My bank has made a...
Answered by Rajni Sinha 10 years ago
S.P. SrivastavaFull and final settlement
I had worked for a period of 5 year 1 month in a listed company in Gurgaon location. date of my resignation was 24th April 2013. As F & F, my 4 month's salary, gratuity and...
Answered by S.P. Srivastava 10 years ago
Krishna Kishore GangulyCan seniority be determined as the same appointment list
Can seniority list be determined against the same list of candidates upon regularization order. In my case the seniority has been determined as the same list as of the...
Answered by Krishna Kishore Ganguly 10 years ago
Shashidhar S. SastryFull and final settlement
I had worked for a period of 5 year 1 month in a listed company in Gurgaon location. date of my resignation was 24th April 2013. As F & F, my 4 month's salary, gratuity and...
Answered by Shashidhar S. Sastry 10 years ago
Shashidhar S. SastryRequest for complete legal phenomena
my sis is working for i gate software solution for 2 months recently from apy 2014 and now her husband got h1-b visa and my sis want to break bond to leave to usa. so they have...
Answered by Shashidhar S. Sastry 10 years ago
Shashidhar S. SastryFull and final settlement
I had worked for a period of 5 year 1 month in a listed company in Gurgaon location. date of my resignation was 24th April 2013. As F & F, my 4 month's salary, gratuity and...
Answered by Shashidhar S. Sastry 10 years ago
S.P. SrivastavaFull and final settlement
I had worked for a period of 5 year 1 month in a listed company in Gurgaon location. date of my resignation was 24th April 2013. As F & F, my 4 month's salary, gratuity and...
Answered by S.P. Srivastava 10 years ago
S.P. SrivastavaCan seniority be determined as the same appointment list
Can seniority list be determined against the same list of candidates upon regularization order. In my case the seniority has been determined as the same list as of the...
Answered by S.P. Srivastava 10 years ago
S.P. SrivastavaRequest for complete legal phenomena
my sis is working for i gate software solution for 2 months recently from apy 2014 and now her husband got h1-b visa and my sis want to break bond to leave to usa. so they have...
Answered by S.P. Srivastava 10 years ago
Rajni SinhaCan seniority be determined as the same appointment list
Can seniority list be determined against the same list of candidates upon regularization order. In my case the seniority has been determined as the same list as of the...
Answered by Rajni Sinha 10 years ago