• Marriage

I am 17 yr old girl and I am about to turn 18 on march 1st. Nd i have been in love with a married man , and when he was about to divorce his wife , some of my private pics which was sent to him under my will has gotten into his wife's hand. And few days before his wife was following him and he slapped her due to this in front of a crowd. This women happens to be in Military Nursing Service as well as my Mother. This women had many sexual relationships before marriage and even cheated on her husband after the marriage . And its been 2 .5 yrs since their marriage. And now we both are really serious about each other and intend to get married to each other. And this women is threatening him to stay with her till she gets posted to any other place otherwise she will flash my photos to the entire military hospital and my mother. And right now even that women has also indulged in a relationship with some other guy. But we dont have any exact proof regarding that. Please help me. What can i do ..?
Asked 10 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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7 Answers

She has blackmailing you it is better to approach police and other such as she had a relationship with other before marriage is between herself and her husband............ once your friend get a divorce from her you can marry him..........there is no legal obligations between them.

Pradeep Bharathipura
Advocate, Bangalore
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you are too young to think of marriage at this stage . concentrate on your studies . stand on your own feet then think of marriage . do not keep in touch with your lover if he is married . if his relations with his wife are bitter she would refuse to give him divorce by mutual consent . if your lover files for divorce and his wife opposes it then it will take him years to get a divorce . best option of you at this stage is not to keep in touch with him .

you have stated that his wife has had many extramarital affairs . however said fact wont help you . your lover may file for divorce on grounds of adultery but it is necessary to prove said allegations in court of law .

you can issue lady legal notice not to circulate your private pictures which are in her possession . you can also file police complaint against her ..

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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your apprehension is that your lover wife may circulate your private pictures which are in her possession . you have said that she has thretened to circulate said pictures among all in miltary hospital . hence i suggested you issue her legal notice not to circulate your private picatures and to hand them over to you .

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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1. You cannot marry this man unless and until he obtains divorce from his wife. She may be having tonnes of extra marital affairs, but she is legally married to your lover. As such, you cannot marry your over till his marriage is brought to an end in accordance with the law. Your lover may file for divorce on the ground of his wife's infidelity.

2. In order to stop her from circulating your pictures you may serve a lawyer's notice on her to hand over to you all your pictures.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30763 Answers
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you cant be sued for adultery . your lover wife can file case against her husband for adultery not you . however in case she files for divorce she can make you a co respondent . forget your lover and move on in life .

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96205 Answers
7741 Consultations

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There is no case she can file against you. Forthwith issue her a lawyer's notice to return your pictures to you. If she does not do that then you may drag her to court.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30763 Answers
972 Consultations

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For you it is best to forget things and come out of it to move further in life.

Anil Gupta
Advocate, New Delhi
180 Answers
41 Consultations

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