There are ways and legal steps to curb this menace but any step taken by you in this regard may be detrimental to your own marital life, it may even affect the future and welfare of your child.
However that does not mean that you will take everything lying low.
You can stand up and revolt.
Do you want to take action against your in laws alone or including your husband has to be decided.
The dowry demand has to stopped at one stage if not this will stretch many years with more and more problems every day.
You can discuss with your family members about initiating legal action against your in laws because the consequent developments may force you to take refuge with your parents, so they have to be involved in all these.
You can lodge a criminal complaint against your parents in law in the jurisdictional police station for dowry demand and harassments thereon.
If you want to include your husband also in your complaint you can very well do so but think twice before rushing up for legal solutions.