1. Filing of RCR case is of no use. It wastes money and time but yields no result. Even if the order in the RCR case goes in your favour after 3/4 years and she is directed to join you, she may chose not to carry out the order for which she will not be punished. You will get divorce after you file the divorce suit thereafter and prove that she has refused to obey the Court order and has refused to join you.
2. As per recent Supreme court Judgement, if wife puts pressure on the husband to leave his ole parents, then such act of the wife will be treated as an act of cruelty and will be considered as a ground for seeking a decree of divorce.
3. So, file a divorce suit immediately on the ground of cruelty by producing the evidence in support of your allegation.
4. Meantime, avail AB from the Sessions Court for all the accused and contest the 498A case fittingly.
5. After charge sheet is filed by the police in this matter, file a petition before the High court for quashing the FIR duly finding out the loopholes in the said charge sheet.