• Private forest land reservation

Recently, in an appeal filed by Godrej Properties and others, the Supreme Court, has decided that mere announcement by the Government in this regard without the necessary process of notification, issue of show cause notice to the property owner etc. a piece of land cannot be declared "private forest land".

I bought some land in Maharashtra in 1990 when the 7/12 document which was issued in my name did not mention any such reservation. However, in 2005, the Govt. issued a notification declaring that the land was under "Forest" reservation under Section 35(3) of the Indian Forest Act.

Will the decision about Godrej property act as a "class action" decision in my case too?

If not, will I too have to file a case against the Govt of Maharashtra?

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/real-estate/sc-clears-constructions-on-mumbais-private-forest-lands-godrej-to-gain-1368051.html?utm_source=ref_article
Asked 11 years ago in Constitutional Law

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1 Answer

you will have to file writ petition in Bombay high court . rely upon SC judgement in Godrej Properties case that no show cause notice was issued in your case and your land was declared as forest land

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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