Is a Sale Deed valid if not signed by all sellers
A property was in the name of my grandfather. After his death my eldest uncle had made a Sale Deed for the Land in the name of his wife. My grandfather had five sons. But the sale deed is only signed by my one uncle. Now my cousins are claiming the land as their property since it is in their mother's name. Does the property belongs only to my cousins(sons of eldest uncle)? If they deny to give the share what legal step can I take on behalf of my deceased father?
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law
As the Sale Deed have the signature of one of my uncle can he claim to have signed on behalf of his other brothers. He don't have any Power of Attorney from his other brothers?
Asked 10 years ago
A piece of ancestral land was in the name of my grandfather, Late Lalit Kumar Bose and his two brothers Late Binoy Krishna Bose and Late Sarat Kumar Bose. A Sale Deed is being presented by heirs of Late Ashok Kumar Bose S/O Late Lalit Kumar Bose that the land is in name of their mother, i.e W/o Ashok Kumar Bose. The sellers in the Sale deed are 1. Sarat Kumar Bose,2. Amiya Kanti Bose, S/o Late Binoy Krishna Bose,3. Mrinal Kanti Bose S/O Late Binoy Krishna Bose, 4. Ashok Kumar Bose, 5. Asit Kumar Bose, 6. Asim Kumar Bose7. ,Ashis Kumar Bose 8. Anup Kumar Bose all(sl. No 4 to 8) S/o Late Lalit Kumar Bose. But the Sale Deed is signed only by Sarat Kumar Bose, Amiya Kanti Bose and Ashis Kumar Bose.
So please let me know that if I s/o Late Asim Kumar Bose have share in the land, and what percentage of share do the legal heirs of Late Ashok Kumar Bose have on the land. Is the agreement valid for the share of Late Sarat Kumar Bose and Late Binoy Krishna Bose ?
Asked 10 years ago