1) In its judgement in Seema B Kumar vs Assistant Executive Engineer, Kerala Electricity Board and Others, the kerala high court dismissed the appeal and directed Kumar to clear the arrears if she intended to avail of electricity supply from the Board.The Electricity Board argued that the new owner had to clear the arrears of the earlier owner as Clause 15 (e) of the regulations relating to Condition of Supply of Electricity Energy had so mandated.
2) Clause 15(e) stipulates that the "reconnection or new connection shall not be given to any premises where there are arrears on any account due to the Board pending payment, unless the arrears including penalty, if any, are cleared in advance. If the new owner, occupier or allottee remits the amount due from the previous consumer, the Board shall provide recommendation or a new connection depending on whether the service remains disconnected/dismantled, as the case may be."
3) While the Division Bench of the Kerala high court did observe that it caused hardship to the new consumer of electricity to be burdened with the arrears of electricity consumed by the earlier owner, it had no alternative but to agree with the Kerala State Electricity Board in the light of the above mentioned regulations..
4)In so far as electricity rules are concerned, practically every Electricity Board has promulgated rules akin to the above stated Regulation 15(e) of the Condition of Supply of Electricity Energy. The courts have held that such a provision is a valid and legal one.
5) as far as writ petition filed in Allahabad High court is concerned if one of respondents has not filed any reply nor responding to court directions court can proceed with the hearing of the petition .
6) judicial process does take time but you will get justice .
7) you can pay the old electricity dues under protest , obtain electricity connection and sue the seller for recovery of said amount