I have been issued a charge sheet by my bank for certain irregularities in recommending a loan to my controlling authority/sanctioning authority.sanctioning authority committed certain mistakes and now bank says that i am also responsible along with sanctioning authority,sanctioning authority has been let off with a very minor punishment since he had some links at the top.since the gravity of offence is more at higher level,i want to quote some supreme court judgement that i can not be given more punishment than him.kindly provide me some clues.my no is [deleted]
Asked 8 years ago in Labour
SIR,the basis adopted was o.k. on my part.there were technical lapses on my part what the sanctioning authority never sought any supplementary details and can be assumed that they did accept/concure with such minor lapses.however the loan of 950 lacs was to be released in stages ,say 500 lacs up to march to sept and rest 450 lacs by dec.but sanctioning authority omitted to stipulate this clause in sanction terms and sanctioned entire 950 lacs in one go,which was disbursed and disbursements were confirmed by them as well.since the sanctioning authority has been given very nominal punishment(charges against him not known to me),i am in the process of sending reply to the chargesheet.not sure that they will give me same punishment or may be more.by quoting judgments,i want to make them afraid before hand that any ubdue punishment may be challenged by me in court.you may kindly assume that he has fgirstly concurred with the branch submissions by not raising any queries and made a mistake in not specify any clause for stage wise disbursements.i can select appropriate judgment out of a few,since i am too a law graduate ans presently on the verge of retirements as chief manager in a bank,if you want,i can give a call to you as well.
Asked 8 years ago