1. Leave & license for more than one year is required to be registered,
2. This is the reason why people enter in to LL Agreement for a period if 11 months and thereafter renews it for next 11 months,
3. Continuous stay as licensee creates problem since the licensee starts claiming to be a Tenant as per Tenancy Act which gives him tenancy right,
4. So, it is always advisable to execute the LL agreement for 11 months and thereafter break the continuityfor a month for executing the LL agreement for the next 11 months and so on and so forth,
5. This time take a letter from him stating that he has willfully vacated the premises taken by him as per the LL agreement after the tenure has expired and thereafter get a LL agreement executed with his wife giving a gap of 1 month and continue this procedure. For the gap period of one month, collect license fees (never call it rent) in cash.