• Tortured by wife and parents

I am fed up of my wife behaviour as she was involved in several relationship with various people before marraige and after marraige as I came to know about all this after my marraige as my wife used to take names of her relationships during bed relationship with me and I am getting tortured by this.I donot have any proof against her.
I am mentally effected by my parents as my parents are not supporting me and they are supporting my wife. My father knew that my wife is not well educated but he has told me this before 2 days of marraige. I am getting frustrated by my wife and my parents behaviour. Please guide me what I can do. I want divorce from my wife.
Asked 11 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Hindu

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4 Answers

why your parent are supporting your wife. u should discuss all things with your parents & try to know what your wife wants. after all things u could adviced proper coarse of action

Avdhesh Chaudhary
Advocate, Greater Noida
565 Answers
20 Consultations

you have stated that even after marriage your wife had physical relationship with several men . however you dont have any proof of such relation ships . engage a detective agency to gather necessary proof . confront your wife and parents with said proof . your parents will no longer support your wife .

if your wife is then willing obtain divorce by mutual consent . if she refuses then you can file for divorce on grounds of adultery , mental cruelty .

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97799 Answers
7924 Consultations

Your apprehension may not be right,only taking some names during some moments may not be sign of extamartial relationship.Your wife is not much educated,is it the reason of your dissatisfaction.Do some soul searching and if still you have issues told by you take action as advised above.

Anil Gupta


Anil Gupta
Advocate, New Delhi
180 Answers
41 Consultations

Completely agree with Mr. Sethi

Nadeem Qureshi
Advocate, New Delhi
6319 Answers
302 Consultations

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