• Family property

Family property divided as 21 shares. We have totally 32 acres of land. In that 15 acres we totally sold. but when we ask the share our head person will give false information that, first we build the new house and the remain amount only we will share. even though that  house  not belongs to all. it is somebodies name. but the share they asking from all 21 members. mean while the bank account made as joint account. my elder brother also in that joint account. recently one 8 acre of land sold. in that some amount we got cash, and some amount we got as by cheque of three joint holders name. but those cheques they are not present in joint account. they all three presented with their individual account.  the property sold over one month back and we got full amount from buyers. but  till time my brother and other two are not interest to share those amount.how to get the share and how to stop building the  house. Please give us the good suggestion regarding this.
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law

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4 Answers

don't wait further immediately file partition case and get injunction not to disburse the amount

Anil Kumar
Advocate, Bangalore
35 Answers
6 Consultations

4.5 on 5.0

you have stated family property divided as 21 shares . was it by family deed of settlement . was the said document duly stamped and registered . ? please clarify .
if out of 15 acres land that has been sold you have not received your share then you can issue legal notice to your family members
in case any property is sold funds should go into joint account . your relatives cannot deposit the same in individual accounts . file partition suit.

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96181 Answers
7739 Consultations

5.0 on 5.0

File a suit for partition of your share of property.

Sai Kiran R
Advocate, Bangalore
86 Answers
6 Consultations

4.5 on 5.0

File suit for partition.

All members have equal right.

Anil Gupta


Anil Gupta
Advocate, New Delhi
180 Answers
41 Consultations

4.5 on 5.0

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